Using Conversational Components

Get an overview on how to use Conversational Components in your Jovo project.


Components are hosted on npm to make it easy to share them.

After installing the package you have to load it into your project using the jovo load command:

After that have the enable the component using the the useComponent(...components) function:


Every component can be configured using your project's root config file:

The interface is the same as the component's default configuration, which should be documented in the component's README file.

It's generally not recommended to make any kind of changes to the component's handler or it's config directly.

The changes made here, will be merged into the component's default configuration.

As for customizing the component's responses, simply edit its respective i18n values for now. A better solution using an external CMS is planned.


Installed components can be referenced at runtime using the $components object, e.g. this.$components.GetPhoneNumber will reference the GetPhoneNumber component.

Each of them have the following properties:

Name Description Value Can be Undefined
config The merged configuration object. Learn more here object No
data The data object is used to store the data the component is supposed to collect. It's later included in the $response object No, if active
name The name of the component string No
onCompletedIntent The name of the intent to which the component will route to after it's finished string No, if active
stateBeforeDelegate The state in which the component was delegated to string Yes
$response The response object of the component after it's finished object No, if finished

Delegate to the Component

To delegate the task to one of the components, you use the delegate(componentName, options) function.

Name Description Value Required
componentName The name of the component to which you want to delegate the task to string Yes
options The options for the delegation object Yes
options.onCompletedIntent The name of the intent to which the component should route to as soon as it finished the task string Yes The data object will be filled by the component with the data it is supposed to collect. For example, the ScheduleMeeting component would need the users email to finish its task.. It offers the possibility to provide data you've already collected, so the component doesn't have to ask for it again. See more here object No
options.stateBeforeDelegate The state to which the framework will route back to after the component is finished string No

At that point the component will go through the necessary steps to fulfill the task and route back to your specified intent with a response.

Parsing existing data

If you already have some of the data, which the component is supposed to collect for you, you can parse these values to the component using the data object in the delegation options.

In the following example, we pass the user's email in the delegation options of the ScheduleMeeting component, which needs it to send the user the meeting details:


After a component routes back to your onCompletedIntent, there will always be a $response object set, which notifies you about the result of the delegation.

It has the following interface:

Name Description Value Required
status Represents the status of the component. Will be set to SUCCESSFUL if the component managed to collect the data without problems. Will be set to REJECTED if the user tried to stop the app at any point, e.g. Alexa, stop. Will be set ERROR if an error occurred at some point. Either SUCCESSFUL, REJECTED, or ERROR Yes
data An object containing the data the component was supposed to collect. The content of the object will be different for each component object Yes
error An error object, which is only present if the status is set to ERROR Error No

In your onCompletedIntent you have to be prepared to handle all three possible statuses of a response:

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