
In this section, you will learn how to log certain data in your Jovo app.

Introduction to Logging

When you're using a local webhook, it's easy to use logging for debugging, like this:

For voice app specific debugging, Jovo offers some handy functions for logging incoming requests and outgoing responses:

Basic Logging

You can enable logging by using the following:

This will enable both Request Logging and Response Logging, which can also be enabled separately. For this, see the sections below.

Log Requests

You can log the incoming JSON requests by adding the following configuration:

The result looks like this (data changed):

As you can see above, the logs of a request are quite long and impractical, if you only need certain information. With requestObjects, you can limit the log output to specific objects.

The example for request above will reduce the log output to this:

Log Responses

You can log the outgoing JSON responses by adding the following configuration:

The result looks like this:

Similar to requestLoggingObjects, you can limit the response logging output to specific objects, as well.

The example above will reduce the log output to this:

Jovo Logger

Find the source code of the Jovo Logger here: jovo-core/Log.

Jovo has an internal logging class that can be used to display certain levels of logs.

Log Levels

You can set the log level by adding an environment variable, for example in your app.js file:

The following log levels are supported:

  • ERROR: Only display errors
  • WARN: Display warnings and errors
  • INFO: Display infos, warnings, and errors (default)
  • VERBOSE: Display additional information, e.g. when certain middlewares are executed
  • DEBUG: Display all information, even configs that might include sensitive data (like API keys). Only recommended to use while debugging

Using the Jovo Logger in your App

You can use the Jovo Log class in your app logic to log certain things for different levels.

First, import the class into your project:

You can then use it in your app logic to log things for different levels:

You can use the following log levels for this:

  • Log.error
  • Log.info
  • Log.warn
  • Log.verbose
  • Log.debug


You can also use helpers to format the log output, like this:

The following methods are available:

  • Font colors
    • black()
    • red()
    • green()
    • yellow()
    • blue()
    • magenta()
    • cyan()
    • white()
  • Background colors
    • blackBackground()
    • redBackground()
    • greenBackground()
    • yellowBackground()
    • magentaBackground()
    • cyanBackground()
    • whiteBackground()
  • Other formatting
    • underscore()
    • bold()
    • dim()
    • blink()
    • reverse()


You can also define log appenders. For example, the below code imports the Log and LogLevel classes and then adds a file appender (save logs to a file with a specified name, in this case errors.log) for a certain log level (in this case ERROR):

Logging Helpers

If you find yourself searching for that one log that is buried somewhere in all the request and response logs, you can use the following helper method:

The dd is short for "dump and die," which means that the execution ends after this log. This helper is inspired by Laravel's dd().

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