Jovo Plugins

Learn how you can build your own plugins to customize and extend the Jovo Framework.


Plugins allow you to easily extend the Jovo Framework without having to mess with its core code and architecture.

Plugins allow you to "hook" into several parts of the request execution, called middlewares. Here is a list of all available middlewares:

Middleware Description
setup First initialization of app object with first incoming request. Is executed once as long as app is alive
request Raw JSON request from platform gets processed. Can be used for authentication middlewares.
platform.init Determines which platform (e.g. Alexa, GoogleAssistant) sent the request. Initialization of abstracted jovo (this) object.
platform.nlu Natural language understanding (NLU) information gets extracted for built-in NLUs (e.g. Alexa). Intents and inputs are set.
nlu Request gets routed through external NLU (e.g. Dialogflow standalone). Intents and inputs are set.
user.load Initialization of user object. User data is retrieved from database.
router Request and NLU data (intent, input, state) is passed to router. intentMap and inputMap are executed. Handler path is generated.
handler Handler logic is executed. Output object is created and finalized. User gets finalized, DB operations.
platform.output Platform response JSON gets created from output object.
response Response gets sent back to platform.
fail Errors get handled if applicable.

Learn more about the Jovo architecture here.

Using Plugins

Download the plugin:

Enable it in your app:

Add configurations:

Building Plugins

The following code examples will all be in TypeScript , which is the language the whole framework is written in, but it's also possible to create plugins using JavaScript, since, at the end of the day, the TypeScript code is simply transcompiled to JavaScript.

Every plugin has to have an install function, which is used to hook up the plugin to the middlewares. It is also the point at which you can access the plugin's config (more on that later on).

While connecting the plugin to a middleware, you specify a function to be executed as soon as the request execution hits the specified middleware:


You can specify the configuration options of your plugin inside the Config interface.

The default configuration is set inside the config object of the plugin class:

Your user can change the configuration using the config.js file inside their project using the following syntax:

The user's config will be merged with your default config and will be first accessible inside the install() function (not the constructor) of your plugin using this.config:


Your function will receive the handleRequest object as input, which has the following properties:


The first property is a reference to the current app object. Here's an example from the I18Next plugin, which uses the app object to load the language files: here


The second property is the host object (Lambda, Azure, ExpressJS, etc.), which has the following interface:


The jovo object is the third property, which is the same object you reference inside your handler using this.

Depending on the middleware you use, the object can be undefined, since the initialization happens inside the platform.init middleware.


The last one is the error property, which wil be undefined, unless the plugin is hooked up to the fail middleware.

Comments and Questions

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