Jovo Response Object

Learn more about the Jovo $response object.


Learn more about the Request & Response Lifecycle here.

The $response object offers helpful features to access information from the response that is sent back to the platform (e.g. Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant).

You can access the response object like this:

The response gets assembled from the $output object in the platform.output middleware, and then sent back to the platform in the response middleware.

Cross-Platform Methods

Response Setters

Method Description
setSessionData(sessionData: SessionData) Sets session data. Learn more about session data here.

Response Getters

For some use cases (especially Unit Testing), it might be helpful to get information from a response object, like this.$response.getSpeech().

You can use these cross-platform helper methods:

Method Description
getSpeech(): string | undefined Returns speech text without "speak" tags.
getSpeechPlain(): string | undefined Returns the speech text without ssml
getReprompt(): string | undefined Returns reprompt text without "speak" tags.
getRepromptPlain(): string | undefined Returns the reprompt text without ssml
hasSessionData(name: string, value?: any): boolean Checks if response has a specific session attribute in it.
getSessionData(): SessionData | undefined Returns session data. Learn more about session data here.
hasSessionEnded(): boolean Returns true if session ended
hasState(state: string): boolean Checks if response has state in it

Platform Specific Methods

Google Assistant Methods

Google Assistant responses are an object within the Dialogflow response and need to be accessed with an additional method. You can use the additional method getPlatformResponse() in the following ways:

Google Assistant Response Getters

Method Description
hasDisplayText(text?: string): boolean Checks that Google response has display text.
hasImageCard(title?: string, content?: string, imageUrl?: string): boolean Checks that Google response has basic card with an image.
hasMediaResponse(url?: string, name?: string): boolean Checks that Google response has media response.
hasSimpleCard(title?: string, content?: string): boolean Checks that Google response has basic card without image.
hasSuggestionChips(chips?: string[]): boolean Checks that Google response has suggestion chips.
getDisplayText(): string Returns display text as string.
getBasicCard(): object Returns basic card object.
getMediaResponse(): object Returns media response object.
getSuggestionChips(): object Returns suggestion chips object.

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