Jovo Hooks

Middleware hooks are the easiest way to extend certain parts of the Jovo Framework. You can see them as a lightweigt version of Jovo Plugins.

Watch the video here:


Find a full example file here.

Jovo Hooks allow you to "hook" into middlewares of the Jovo Architecture.

Here is how a hook could look like:

Here is a list of all available middlewares:

Middleware Description
setup First initialization of app object with first incoming request. Is executed once as long as app is alive
request Raw JSON request from platform gets processed. Can be used for authentication middlewares.
platform.init Determines which platform (e.g. Alexa, GoogleAssistant) sent the request. Initialization of abstracted jovo (this) object.
platform.nlu Natural language understanding (NLU) information gets extracted for built-in NLUs (e.g. Alexa). Intents and inputs are set.
nlu Request gets routed through external NLU (e.g. Dialogflow standalone). Intents and inputs are set.
user.load Initialization of user object. User data is retrieved from database.
router Request and NLU data (intent, input, state) is passed to router. intentMap and inputMap are executed. Handler path is generated.
handler Handler logic is executed. Output object is created and finalized. User gets finalized, DB operations.
platform.output Platform response JSON gets created from output object.
response Response gets sent back to platform.
fail Errors get handled if applicable.

Learn more about the Jovo architecture here.

Hook Elements

Each middleware hook contains of a specified middleware and an anonymous function that is called with the following parameters:


The error is undefined unless the fail middleware is used.

The error property has the following interface:


Learn more about Hosting here.

The second property is the host object (Lambda, Azure, ExpressJS, etc.), which has the following interface:


The jovo object is the third property, which is the same object you reference inside your handler using this.

Depending on the middleware you use, the object can be undefined, since the initialization happens inside the platform.init middleware.

Middleware Execution

Each middleware can either be accessed by using its name (e.g. platform.output), or by prepending before (e.g. before.platform.output) or after (e.g. after.platform.output) to specify when in the order the hook should be triggered.

For example, the order of platform.output and the following response middlewares looks like this:

The anonymous function that you pass into the hook is then called when it is reached in the stack of middlewares.

If you need to do API calls and await them in your hooks, use asnyc/await:

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